With effect from 24 August 2009
DSP BlackRock Mutual Fund has decided to revise the exit load structure for various schemes, with effect from 24 August 2009.
Accordingly the exit load charge will be 1% for holding period below 12 months from the date of allotment and exit load will be nil for holding period above or equal to 12 months from the date of allotment. The change is for the following schemes:
DSP BlackRock Balanced Fund and Regular Plan of DSP BlackRock Equity Fund (DSPBREF), DSP BlackRock Opportunities Fund (DSPBROF), DSP BlackRock Technology.com Fund (DSPBRTF), DSP BlackRock Top 100 Equity Fund (DSPBRTEF), DSP BlackRock India T.I.G.E.R. Fund (The infrastructure Growth and Economic Reforms Fund) (DSPBRITF), DSP BlackRock Small and Mid Cap Fund (DSPBRSMF), DSP BlackRock Natural Resources and New Energy Fund (DSPBRNRNEF), DSP BlackRock World Gold Fund (DSPBRWGF), DSP BlackRock World Energy Fund (DSPBRWEF), Institutional Plan of DSPBREF, DSPBROF, DSPBRTF, DSPBRTEF, DSPBRITF, DSPBRSMF, DSPBRNRNEF, DSPBRWGF and DSPBRWEF, DSP BlackRock Savings Manager Fund (DSPBRSF) – Moderate DSPBRSF Aggressive, DSPBRSF- Conservative.
For DSP BlackRock Bond Fund (DSPBRBF), DSP BlackRock Government Securities Fund (DSPBRGF), the exit load charge will be 0.10% for holding period below or equal to 7 calendar days from the date of allotment and exit load will be nil for holding period above 7 calendar days from the date of allotment
Exit load will not be applicable in case of switch between equity oriented, balanced, fund of funds and savings schemes of the fund.