Record date for dividend is 29 June 2009
SBI Mutual Fund has declared dividend under dividend option of SBI Debt Fund Series-13 Months- 8, SBI Debt Fund Series-13 Months- 9, SBI Debt Fund Series-13 Months- 10, SBI Debt Fund Series-18 Months- 3, SBI Debt Fund Series-370 Days- 1 and SBI Debt Fund Series-370 Days- 1. The dividend will be declared for both retail and institutional plans.
The fund house has decided to distribute the following amount of dividend on the record date of 29 June 2009 on face value of Rs 10 per unit:
SBI Debt Fund Series-13 Months- 8
The dividend for Individual & HUF Investors and other investors under both retail and institutional plan will be 2.752% (i.e. Rs 0.2752 per unit)
The NAV of the scheme under retail plan was at Rs 10.5453 per unit and under institutional plan was at Rs 10.6055 per unit as on 22 June 2009
SBI Debt Fund Series-13 Months- 9
The dividend for Individual & HUF Investors under both retail and institutional plan will be 0.985% (i.e. Rs 0.0985 per unit)
The NAV of the scheme under retail plan was at Rs 10.1383 per unit and under institutional plan was at Rs 10.1819 per unit as on 22 June 2009
SBI Debt Fund Series-13 Months- 10
The dividend for Individual & HUF Investors and other investors under both retail and institutional plan will be 0.985% (i.e. Rs 0.0985 per unit)
The NAV of the scheme under retail plan was at Rs 10.1605 per unit and under institutional plan was at Rs 10.1679 per unit as on 22 June 2009
SBI Debt Fund Series-18 Months- 3
The dividend for Individual & HUF Investors and other investors under retail plan will be 0.2302% (i.e. Rs 0.2302 per unit). And the dividend for Individual & HUF Investors under institutional plan will be 2.302% (i.e. Rs 0.2302 per unit).
The NAV of the scheme under retail plan was at Rs 10.7882 per unit and under institutional plan was at Rs 10.7884 per unit as on 22 June 2009
SBI Debt Fund Series-370 Days- 1
The dividend for Individual & HUF Investors and other investors under both retail and institutional plan will be 2.752% (i.e. Rs 0.2752 per unit)
The NAV of the scheme under retail plan was at Rs 10.5094 per unit and under institutional plan was at Rs 10.7246 per unit as on 22 June 2009
SBI Debt Fund Series-370 Days- 2
The dividend for Individual & HUF Investors and other investors under both retail and institutional plan will be 2.752% (i.e. Rs 0.2752 per unit)
The NAV of the scheme under retail plan was at Rs 10.5584 per unit and under institutional plan was at Rs 10.6052 per unit as on 22 June 2009
SBI Debt Fund Series is a close-ended debt scheme with an objective to provide regular income, liquidity and returns to the investors through investments in a portfolio comprising debt instruments such as government securities, AAA/AA+ bonds and money market instruments.