NFO period from 25 June-23 July 2009
Name of Fund: Sahara Super 20 Fund
Scheme type: The scheme is an open-ended growth scheme
New Fund Offer Opens on: 25 June 2009
New Fund Offer Closes on: 23 July 2009
Investment Objective: The investment objective of the scheme would be to provide long-term capital appreciation by investing in predominantly equity and equity related securities of around 20 companies selected out of the top 100 largest market capitalization companies, at the point of investment.
Investment Options: The scheme offers growth option and dividend option. The dividend option offers dividend re-investment facility.
Asset Allocation: The fund will invest up to 65-100% in equity and equity related instruments belonging to top 100 stocks by market capitalization at the time of investment. While the endeavor of the scheme would be to construct a portfolio of 20 stocks, at times the portfolio may comprise of more/less than 20 stocks owing to certain market conditions with high-risk profile. Up to 35% exposure will be in debt and money market instruments including securitised debt with low to medium risk.
Investments will be in foreign equity and equity related securities, ADRs/GDRs up to 20% of the corpus. Investment on securitized debt will not normally exceed 50 % of the debt component of the scheme. The Fund will predominantly invest only in those securitization issuances, which are of investment grade, at the time of making an investment.
Face Value: Rs 10
Entry Load: The scheme will charge an entry load of 2.25%.
Exit Load: For investments of less than Rs 1 crore, no exit load will be charged. For investment of equal to or more than Rs 1 crore the fund carries 1.00% an exit load if redeemed on or before 1 year from the date of allotment of units. If redeemed beyond 1 year from the date of allotment, the scheme will not ask exit load.
Minimum Investment Amount: The minimum investment amount for the scheme is Rs 5000 and in multiple of Re 1 thereafter.
Minimum Target amount: Rs 1 lakh
Benchmark index: S & P CNX Nifty.
Fund Manager: Mr. A. N. Sridhar