ICICI Prudential Mutual Fund has announced extension of Specified Transaction Period (STP) of ICICI Prudential Interval Fund II – Quarterly Interval Plan A and ICICI Prudential Interval Fund – Half Yearly Interval Plan II. The STP of the schemes has been extended till 19 May 2014. Accordingly, the scheme shall be available for fresh purchases/additional purchases/switch-ins/redemptions/switch-outs up to 19 May 2014 till the applicable cut off time.
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Thursday, May 08, 2014
ICICI Prudential MF Extends STP Under Two Schemes
ICICI Prudential Mutual Fund has announced extension of Specified Transaction Period (STP) of ICICI Prudential Interval Fund II – Quarterly Interval Plan A and ICICI Prudential Interval Fund – Half Yearly Interval Plan II. The STP of the schemes has been extended till 19 May 2014. Accordingly, the scheme shall be available for fresh purchases/additional purchases/switch-ins/redemptions/switch-outs up to 19 May 2014 till the applicable cut off time.
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Disclaimer - All investments in Mutual Funds and securities are subject to market risks and uncertainty of dividend distributions and the NAV of schemes may go up or down depending upon factors and forces affecting securities markets generally. The past performance of the schemes is not necessarily indicative of the future performance and may not necessarily provide a basis for comparison with other investments. Investors are advised to go through the respective offer documents before making any investment decisions. Prospective client(s) are advised to go through all comparable products in offer before taking any investment decisions. Mutual Funds and securities investments are subject to market risks and there is no assurance or guarantee that the objectives of the fund will be achieved. Information gathered & material used in this document is believed to be from reliable sources. Decisions based on the information provided on this newsletter/document are for your own account and risk.
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