With effect from 24 August 2009
UTI Mutual Fund has decided to revise the exit load structure for various schemes, with effect from 24 August 2009.
UTI Banking Sector Fund and UTI – Wealth Builder Fund Series II:
Accordingly in institutional plan in both schemes, if investment is exited before 1 year, the exit load charge will be 1% of the applicable NAV. If exited on or after 1 year, the exit load charge will be nil.
UTI – Bond Fund:
The exit load charge will be nil.
UTI – Spread Fund:
If exited before on or before 180 days from the date of acceptance, the exit load charge will be 0.50% of the applicable NAV.
For all SIPs / STRIPs registered before 24 August 2009, the load structure existing prior to 24 August 2009 will be applicable. All SIPs / STRIPs registered under applicable schemes, on or after 24 August 2009, will have the load structure applicable as per the revised structure.