Stressing on the need of quality consumers products, Paswan said: “Indian products should meet international quality standards in all respects. Compliance to standards by industry will pave way for the success of recently launched ‘Make in India' initiative by the Government”.
The Minister further added the adoption of standards facilitates in providing a level playing field to all enterprises, helps them to overcome the technical gaps to reach global markets and to improve quality of life for all.
Shri Keshav Desiraju, Secretary, Consumer Affairs while giving his special address stated that Govt. regulations are intended to provide fairness to all players to play by the same set of rules. He added that Standards provide practical tools for tackling many of today's global challenges from managing global resources.
Shri Sunil Soni, DG BIS while highlighting programme objectives said that BIS is playing a committed role at National and International level by developing standards in tune with world trade and at the same time keeping in mind the requirements of our society for standardization.