(i) incentivization of post-harvest infrastructures including construction/renovation of cold storages through credit linked back ended subsidy scheme of Mission on integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH),
(ii) provision of subsidy for construction of cold storages as part of Integrated Value Chain (IVC) under Agriculture Marketing Infrastructure (AMI) sub-scheme of Integrated Scheme of Agricultural Marketing (ISAM),
(iii) Small Farmers' Agribusiness Consortium (SFAC) also sanctions projects for cold storage units under its scheme of Venture Capital Assistance (VCA) and Project Development Facility (PDF) and has sanctioned VCA to 234 units across the country,
(iv) Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MoFPI) is also implementing a scheme of cold chain, value addition and preservation infrastructure to provide integrated cold chain and processing facilities from farm gate to consumers,
(v) Ministry of Commerce through APEDA provides assistance to private companies for setting up infrastructure including specialized cold stores,
(vi) CIPHET has established tomato pilot plant facility for providing hands on training to farmers/entrepreneurs/youth to take up value addition at rural catchment area as food processing venture and also provides trainees with incubation facility to start their own ventures. CIPHET has also been instrumental in design and development of ventilated train wagons for transportation, safe handling and storage of potatoes and in development of evaporative cooled chambers which can be established at production catchment for short duration storage of these commodities.
(vii) Government has established the National Centre for Cold Chain Development (NCCD) which provides cold-chain technical guidance, conducts knowledge dissemination activities and addresses industry concerns on development matters.