“Our policies need to be looked at and the industry needs to participate in the decision making process to bring out the effect of policies both in the medium and in the long term in domestic manufacturing,” said Ms J.M. Shanti Sundharam while inaugurating a national seminar on ‘Post Budget Discussion,' organised by The Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (ASSOCHAM).
“The actions which we have taken (in the budget) have been as a result of policies which have actually lead to degrowth of manufacturing so it would be good if the industry when it interacts with ministries for forming of policies both for import & export and for manufacturing sees this entire thing not with a short-term vision but at least with a medium or a long term vision,” she added.
“Manufacturing sector was under stress due to a variety of reasons as in FY 2013-14 as the growth in manufacturing hardly crossed into the plus, so we needed a tax environment which would be conducive to revive the growth and we have used different means and methods for encouraging growth and for ensuring a conducive tax environment,” further said the CBEC chairperson.
“We've also tried to give a judicious mix of increase or decrease in the duty structures to help the industry,” she added.
On the issue of meeting additional collection targets, the CBEC chairperson said that the targets are still high and it will probably show results after six months' time. “Indirect tax targets are extremely high with reference to what our growth was.”
She further informed that the department would be examining all the amendments, proposals and strategies that are to be adopted at its chief commissioner's conference to be held in August.
Terming it as a balancing act, the chairman of the Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT), Mr R.K. Tewari, in his address at the ASSOCHAM conference said that the budget aims at growth with equity and development, it is the mantra of the government and without it we cannot sustain as a growing economy or for the poverty alleviation.
He further informed that the CBDT is further upgrading the technology to minimize litigation, enhance tax collection and provide best services for better co-operation between both taxpayers and the department.