Record date for dividend is 26 February 2009
HDFC Mutual Fund has announced dividend under the dividend option of HDFC Long Term Advantage Fund and HDFC Balanced Fund. The record date for dividend is 26 February 2009.
HDFC Long Term Advantage Fund
The rate of dividend is 35.00% i.e. Rs. 3.50 per unit on the face value of Rs. 10. The NAV of the Fund recorded at Rs 22.284 per unit as on 19 February 2009.
HDFC Long Term Advantage Fund is an open ended equity linked saving scheme with a lock in period of 3 years, the investment objective of the fund is to generate long term capital appreciation from a portfolio that is invested predominantly in equity and equity related instruments.
HDFC Balanced Fund
The Fund provides dividend of 15.00% i.e. Rs 1.50 per unit as on record date of 26 February 2009.The NAV of the scheme was Rs 12.518 per unit as on 19 February 2009.
HDFC Balanced Fund is an open ended balanced scheme having investment objective of generating capital appreciation along with current income from a combined portfolio equity & equity related and debt & money market instruments.